Sunday, September 18, 2011

Love and Marriage , --- EECTRONIC -STYLE

It was Computr Age with Mobile get-together on phone and Facebook knowing of each other and Ipod Music that the boy or probalbe groom with receding forehead line and computer- stoop and professional stiff neck and finger-stiffness that the boy 0f 39 years liked and fell in love with the girl , 37 years of age with myopic's eye- glass and some repairing make up-touch and as it was never a sure journey to reach the native land in terrorist-gae.
so they decided to get marrid within shortest time by covering the longest distance beteen NEVADA and DELHI with 12hrs' Time space Gap.
Only thing left was to know each others' family & to meet the bride of 37 yrs

So the boy or groom of 39 yrs , took a flight and touched Dumdum,10 hrs late due to terror -threats on the way, met the bride , stayed in tn the Air port hotel and next day , went in the afternoon ,with entwind arms to meet the parents of the bride with a court fficial and the priest to complete the process and then fly to SIngapore to join a new job together.

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