Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Mr, sen about 50 yrs of age and limping was coming home from Konnagar Station. It was about 6-3o evening and he was some where near 'MORE' Shopping Complex on CRIPER Road and the police man ( in plain dress) approached , brought out a Sketch , scanned his face and said --'Sir, Please come with me to the police station'."why" ? Challanged Mr. SEN.
The Polce man said --'Sir , you half resemble this Sketch' // "what I resemble that sketch ?'// But you have to come sir,even if ou don't. Have you any revolver with you' --he asked.
" if you have , Pl. don't shoot me; i have a family of five, and not yet confirmed ' Mr sen asked again "what you mean.? donot yoy see I am alimping -man, you think , i am a terrorist ?' he was angry. The police man urged -'SIR, we are not paid to thnk, -this is the world of my Boss. I am help -less.'// But do I look like that face ?'// May not but quick make-up can change any thing this days .'// But I am almost an old man !'// --- Nothing matters these days Sir, My booss was very angry --not his fault . he had a good thrashing from his BOSS from Kolkata and ordered to Catch at least one to make up the count or- my increament stops--- Sir, why are you putting your hand in pocket? Dont shoot me sir ! mu gun has no Cartige in; we are running shor of it .'- he pleaded again. Mr. Sen asked -" but what will you gain by taking me--to" //He could not finish but the police man started " Sir I am a Graduate and loved poetry once and I still do you remember Tagore's poem ' -(translated) -Catch a thief and bring hin now or officer, No one can save you and - your head wiil be severed from your neck."...
Mr. Sen was convinced and now accompanied him. ( written on 14Th Sept , 2011

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