Saturday, October 8, 2011


Durga was a stoutly built boy, abot 10 years by age and was sti ll in class three in the Path-shala of our Village, one of the remotestvillage in eastern part of Bengal . It was perhaps, 1938 or'39 and Durga entered his house almost dancing and demanded from his mother a quick meal as he was late for his game.
His mother;aked : "what is the result of your exam /
sharp replied Durga: I stood third ; give memy meal quick'
The mother almost smiled wide : what ? You stood third but even last year--
She could not finish when Durga shouted : do you thik I am lying ?
His mother did not venture further and gave him a good meal-----------------
A few days after his mother came to know that Durga did not lie at al but failed in exam.
there were only 3 boys in his class in the Villlage - Pathshala.( True Story)

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