Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mythoogy _Reconstructed ( Short story)

In Indian Mythoogy, Ravana a DEMON-King was killed by RAMA the king (to be ) of Ayodhya. But it could not happen on the stage when the play was enacted i in 1940s, in my child -hood in the remote village in Dist of Barisal in Eastern Part of BENGAL.
RAMA was the real hero representing everything good and Ravana was a villain andvery strong , physically too.
As the rich Villager who donated most for the expenses (say mr. X )got the main role of Rama and the hardworking poor neighbour Mr Y was given the role of Ravana.
A few days before the Play they, both had a big fight on a small issue and Mr X with his men gave a good thrashing to would -be- Ravana. When retuned, his wife was so angry because , even being so strong her husband did not give a good fight, But he shouted back to his wife saying : -" shut up ! Just have patience and see the out -come on the 'Stage'.
I was then a mere boy of 9 or 10 and was all eager to see and enjoy the play (JATRA - by Native term) ......
The play started and proceeded to final scene of BATTLE betwwen RAMA & RAVANA. But -----even after repeated promtting from the' wings' Ravana refused to to fall and die ....We were so excited and enthralled by the high suspense of the play ! ( Even, Hitchcock woud have copied it if he was lucky to be there ! )
Any way in the END , when rebuked by the DIRECTOR and even byRAMA for - not falling down( last straw) RAVANA(Mr Y), threw his 'stage -weapon' and shouted " that day you thrashed me enough ! And today I will teach you the lesson and write a new 'RAMAYANA" and so saying he jumped on RAMA and pinned him on the stage to the great joy for me and for all the villagers to see a real heroic seen on a RURAL-Stage.!

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