Thursday, November 24, 2011

  DEVOTION  Vs  DUTIES   ( Short Story)

Narada , the  God Vishnu's ambasador to the world , boasted too much claiming to be the best disciple of Vishnu  as  he, day and night, chanted  Lord's name.
In one cosmic Cycle -day he even asked Vishnu :  Lord am I  not your greatest Devotee ?
Vishnu was  silent and Narada  suffered from depression, like USA Corporate CEOs,
To give him a practical lesson , Vishnu  gave him a oil- pot, filled up to the brim  and asked him to take it to  a laborer- devotee in a remote village on Earth and then come back.--------_------------------------------------------------
Narada finally  returned to Heaven. Vishnu asked him about the poor village laborer. Narada  replied that the poor fellow was toiling day and night and could remember God only  once ,-bed time !.
Visnu asked Narada,; -'-During your journey to earth with the oil-pot,I gave you , how many times you remembered me'?.
'Oh1 my Lord ! ! how could I --with the condition you imposed of not a drop of oil , flowing out !
Vishnu smiled and told Narada ;  see that poor laborer's condition was worse than you for all the time of the day or life. And yet he managed to remember me at least once a day ! And You Narada  getting so much benifits & bessings from me, in cluding  due TAs & DAs;  yet coud not find time to remember  me even once with that oil-pot in hand ! So do you know who is-------.
Vishnu looked at Narada , who could not lift up his head ,inshame !
[Abriged and edited/compressed version from' Narada Bhakti Sutra']

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