Monday, October 25, 2010


In my student days a professor of science was invited to University Institute of calcutta to give a 'Lecture on - 'Non Existence of God' . He was known to be an Atheist. and gave a fiery lecture on 'Absirdity of Bind faith' and mocked all believers with sharp rhetorics. We were all so impressed by his oratory and clapped every time the cresendo was on the top.
After the lecture he was being taken in a car to be taken somewhere in Shambazar area and I was given the duty, as a volunteer , to see him off un to his place. He was being accompanied by one of his professr -friend .While on Cornwalis street and near the 'Than-thania Kalibari ', he suddeny turned his head to left, ( I noticed ) and he put his index finger to his nose to signify a 'pranam' to the deity of mother Kali'. To this his fried beside him laughed and teased him -" you gave such a good lecture on non-existence of God and now you Salute at Mother Kali ?- strange!". To this ,the invited professor replied -' where is the loss !. If god is not there , he won't see what I am doing and if Godess is there, she will excuse me , when I am wrong.
I could not then understand much of it but coud not , forget the event too.

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