Monday, October 25, 2010


Rama felt all blessed after being married to Ramesh but Ramesh had not the same span of feeling getting rama as his wife. She was beautifu and good in heart and manners but was not that smart and fluent in communication in parties and socials as his friends' wives were . This situation brough enought tense feeling in him and often became vocal, in rudeness. To this, once Rama responded - 'You know we are not struggling midde class and I am a house-wife. If I neglect this side of our strugging life and be a modern aocial friend and be like your smart girl -friend , who wil look after the house. Ramesh had a sharp response that day - ' You are very old fashioned'.
Rama went inside and wept and took an oath she will fulfil her husband's desire -some how. Two years passed by that time and they had a sweet child and Ramesh was also,now, trapped in the family life . Rama was by the time,a member of loca Ladies club and busy in every cultural show or gathering and won lot of praise in acting , organising and her name was now - the 'Smart Didi'. And ramesh had to spend more time managing most of house keeping. ....... days and months rolled by and then, one day with the baby on his lap he faced Rama and demanded - ' so ! most of the evening you are rare in the house . Don't you feel any resposibiity ?'..... Rama , while dressing up for the ladies' club -meeting lifted up her face to Ramesh , looked straight and let out --' you are very old fashioned . ( written -1970s).

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