Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The Two brothers ,from a very poor famiy went to the temple and prayed . The elder one prayed -' God give me only two lakhs of Rs and I shall make my own future without ,even, asking for further support". God came out of the idol and told ---O.K ! when you are 20 yrs or more, buy a lottery ticket and you get it. The other brother ,two years junior, was sitting mum and God asked - "and your prayer "?
He told - I don't know how to pray or what to pray but my mother told me to ask for your love and to look after me, when I need" . God ,before getting back in the idol, said -'O.K and done" ... and vanished,- - - - - - - - - -- - - -----
After a few years , the elder boy Rabom was a young youth , bought a lottery Ticket and got two lakhs and as an egoistic adult tried evry trade , gambling and even then became a milionaire but died with a spoilt liver after heavy drinking and smoking . By inheritence ( he had no time to marry) his wealth shifted to his younger brother Rakhal who was 28 now.
In heaven, Robin strated blaming God for his tragic fate and mis fortune . God smiled and told - ' but you told you could look after yoursef after you got thar two lakh rupees "? Robin was more agitated and bamed the Lord -" But why my brother is now enjoying my fortune there "? God replied -" he wanted me to look after him without trying to be smart and law of Nature and inheritence took its effect without even my knowing ". Robin was still planning h, -ow to blame god for his misfortune !

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