Tuesday, October 26, 2010


( Short Story)

It was on the backgound of Global frame.. Suresh came for a summer trip to Simla from Chicago, U.S.A and Samir from New Dehi, India . They both had a very surprise re-union of old friendship at the mall in the maorning. They both were class-mates at school and undergraduate collge level in st. xavirers, calcutta in 1970s, Suresh now a vice -President of MBNA Bank while Samir is a lecturer in a Delhi College. The meeting was so unexpected and exciting on the back ground of Simla Scenario! They talked and talked for over an hour in a restauranr and then decided to climb the Jacko hill to enjoy the SUN-Rise at the top. , each one in his own way but meet at the park at the foot of the hill and spend the good time there to talk and talk until Lunch together. And soon they parted and went back to each one's hotlel. In the school and Colege life Samir had more edge over Suresh in both academics and sport. Though suresh was more competative and ambitious while Samir was a ever an easy going boy with sharp intelligence. This induced a sort of jelousy or envy in suresh and finaly by being a Green -card holder of U.S.A he felt as better off. Any way, next day, they both reached the hill one hour before Sun-rise and started climbing without meeting each other. This time the dormant jeousy crept in Suresh and decided to beat Samir in the 'climb' and wanted to reach the top earlier than Samir who after cimbing for about half an hour found the Sun rising ike a lord in gold and red! Samir was so much charmed by the sight that he forgot about cimbing to the top, selected a flat stone on wayside and got lost in the beauty of Nature's bloom. On the other side , suresh was still cimbing and even sweating with the zeal of being the first this time in cimbing up to the top and ahead of Samir. And he reached really at the top , panting and perspiring though. By that time the Sun was already high up and glaring. Suresh did not care or bother but looked for Samir , could not find him and was very happy to experience the joy of leaving Samir behiind or below.
Samir on his own track after enjoying the Sun-rise in full, climbed back like a happy intoxicated enjoyer, came to the park , slanted himself on a bench and was still trying to swim and splash on his new expeience . After almost another half an hour Suresh came down exhausted and perspiring but like a winner , sat on the bench by Samir's side and asked - 'what happened with you ? -did not come to the top '?
Samir replied in soft pleasure -no , - I found the Sun rising on my half-way -climb ; stopped there and enjoyed the full Sun -rise ! and you ?' This time Suresh turned to samir like a 'topper' and told - ' I was on the Top and no time for that Sun-rise '..... There was a short gap or silence and then Samir asked in a cool voice - but Suresh , do you remember why we came to this hill this morning for ?' Suresh looked sideways nd asked back - ' Why?' Samir smied and replied - "Sun- Rise ! " Suresh remained still to absorb the full impact of Samir's reply and sat like a friend again defeated.:

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